International Crisis Group
For General Support
ProgramConflict Resolution
Date Awarded4/14/2003
Term0.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
International Crisis Group (ICG) is generally recognized as the world’s leading source of analysis and advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies (like the United Nations, European Union, and World Bank) on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict. Its work includes intensive field research and analysis of specific conflicts and the development of detailed policy prescriptions to address them. ICG publishes annually over eighty reports and briefing papers, as well as the monthly CrisisWatch bulletin that assesses the current state in some seventy countries or areas of actual or potential conflict. Publications are distributed widely by email to over 25,000 targeted recipients and over 140,000 subscribers to its Web site, which has grown enormously in recent years, with over 2.4 million visits last year alone.