International Budget Partnership

For General Operating Support

About the Grantee
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for general operating support  
The International Budget Partnership (IBP) is a global nonprofit organization promoting more responsible, effective, and equitable management of public money. IBP partners globally with civil society, community organizers, government champions, and budget analysts to generate data, advocate for reform, and build the skills and knowledge of people so that everyone can have a voice in budget decisions that impact their lives. IBP focuses on deep country work that aims to shift power to marginalized groups and improve service delivery. IBP’s overall new strategic goal is to “make governments raise and spend public money more fairly so that everyone has the resources and opportunities they need to thrive and get ahead.” (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for support of the Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency  
The Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) is a global network that promotes transparency and public participation in fiscal governance. The initiative brings together governments, public finance experts, civil society organizations, private sector actors, and development partners to dialogue and build consensus and support for transparency and public participation in fiscal matters, discuss and strengthen existing fiscal norms and standards, and promote country-level implementation of these norms and standards. In this grant period, GIFT will advance transparency and inclusive public participation in fiscal policies in international norms and at country level; provide capacity building and peer leaning for the more effective and social inclusive use of public resources, including budget reforms integrating indicators on gender, children, and minorities; and consolidate itself as a cohesive action network. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for general operating support  
The International Budget Partnership (IBP) leads a global campaign to promote transparency and citizen participation in decisions about how governments raise and spend revenues. In partnership with civil society organizations, state actors, international institutions, and the private sector, IBP undertakes research, training, and advocacy to ensure that budget decision-making processes are participatory and inclusive and that spending policies promote equity and justice. IBP focuses on deep country work that aims to shift power to marginalized groups and improve service delivery through the Strengthening Public Accountability for Results and Knowledge (SPARK) program. IBP will also continue to develop and strengthen international standards and collect comparative cross-country data, particularly in emerging areas of importance such as civic participation, emergency spending practices, and engagement of oversight institutions. IBP will continue its focus on supporting country advocacy with the goal of broadening open budgeting and testing countries that might be appropriate for a lighter or full model for future SPARK programming. IBP will also continue to build stronger budget organizations and networks through its ongoing Francophone Africa Network (FAN) and the Latin America Tax Expenditure Research, Advocacy, and Learning (LATERAL) network. IBP will invest more on tax equity by building the skills and political capabilities of a diverse range of country-based civic actors to engage in tax policy debates and processes. IBP has started a leadership transition process to evolve further toward a truly global organization that operates in service to social movements and civic actors around the world to significantly improve the lives of excluded communities. This is an opportunity for the organization to implement its initial set of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)

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