Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir
For Strategic Planning Exercise And Management Skills
Date Awarded4/6/2016
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This grant would allow the ILSB to undergo a strategic planning process to develop a three year strategy and a monitoring, evaluating and learning system, and strengthen the leadership skills of the team. The ILSB seeks to develop a common understanding of the whole team on the mission, vision, and value added of the work; that each program objective is directed towards achieving clear and measurable results that contribute to ILSB's mission; and to develop strong indicators of success for each identified established outcome.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Tabasco 68, Interior 3 Col. Roma Norte, Mexico City, 06700, Mexico
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (ILSB) is a Mexican feminist organization for the strengthening of social leadership as a strategy to reduce gender inequality that places women and young people in situations that violate the guarantee of their rights, especially when they intersect with other systems of structural exclusion such as racism and socioeconomic or age inequality. ILSB’s institutional mission is the development of a critical mass of leaders with a gender, human rights, and intercultural perspective so that they can have an impact in the transformation of their realities and the dismantling of exclusion systems. ILSB aims to sustain in the long term its work of accompanying and supporting activists, organizations, and collectives that champion human rights and social justice agendas through their own voices. ILSB is also working to achieve financial strength it can apply to some of its underfunded programs and emerging work. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for conference support
The Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir is a Mexican civil society organization and feminist training center. This grant will support its collaboration with MUAFRO, a collective of women of African descent from the Guerrero and Oaxaca states formed in 2015 to organize the first Mexico-wide National Encounter of Afro Mexican Women. This will represent an opportunity for these women to share, reflect, and agree on an intergenerational recognition and co-create a long-term action agenda to lower democratic and social inequalities that are the sources of structural racism.
for an upgrade and build out of a monitoring and evaluation platform
The Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir (ILSB) is a feminist organization in Mexico that works towards gender and social justice, and is aligned with the Service Delivery Monitoring substrategy of the Transparency, Participation and Accountability strategy.This grant will allow the ILSB to consolidate its work on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) processes. The ILSB will improve the navigability and storage capacity of its management platform; and, incorporate modules that enhance and automate the monitoring of annual operating plans, budgeting, and human resource management.