Grantmakers for Education

For A Case Study On School Accountability Reform To Be Used At A Harvard Funders Training Institute

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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    7.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Grantmakers for Education is a voluntary, national consortium for educational philanthropists comprised of nearly 300 member institutions sharing information and insights. The organization regularly hosts a professional development institute in partnership with Harvard University, for which it will develop a case study of foundation leverage, influence, and collaboration in rethinking state education accountability systems. Researching and explaining exemplar accountability reforms—from new purposes and processes to policy implementation—increases grantmaker capacity in the context of decentralization and advances an important and ongoing national discussion on establishing and measuring deeper learning outcomes.
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for sponsorship of the 2024 national conference  
Grantmakers for Education is a voluntary national consortium for educational philanthropists composed of nearly 300 member institutions and 1,800 individuals who share information and insights. Through its annual conference and regional summits, the group aims to improve outcomes for all learners by serving as a trusted partner for all education philanthropists as they adapt to a changing world. A sponsorship grant will support the group’s annual conference. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
for membership in Grantmakers for Education  
Grantmakers for Education is the nation’s largest and most diverse network of education grantmakers dedicated to improving educational outcomes and increasing opportunities for all learners. Membership in Grantmakers for Education offers numerous opportunities to engage allies and partners in philanthropy. This grant is to renew our membership. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
for membership in Grantmakers for Education  
Grantmakers for Education is the nation’s largest and most diverse network of education grantmakers dedicated to improving educational outcomes and increasing opportunities for all learners. Membership in Grantmakers for Education offers numerous opportunities to engage allies and partners in philanthropy. This grant is to renew our membership. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)

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