ForumCiv Regional Office Eastern and Southern Africa
For Regranting To Strengthen Agency For Social Accountability
Date Awarded9/6/2024
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
ForumCiv is a Swedish development cooperation member organization providing direct support to local organizations to enable marginalized people to organize, claim their rights, and take control of their lives. This grant will allow ForumCiv Regional Office Eastern and Southern Africa to support the empowerment of communities to build accountable and responsive governance structures and processes in Kenya and Tanzania. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for regranting to strengthen agency for social accountability
ForumCiv is a Swedish development cooperation member organization providing direct support to local organizations to enable marginalized people to organize, claim their rights, and take control of their lives. This grant will allow ForumCiv Regional Office Eastern and Southern Africa to support the empowerment of communities to build accountable and responsive governance structures and processes in Kenya and Tanzania. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for regranting to strengthen agency for social accountability
ForumCiv is a Swedish development cooperation member organization providing direct support to local organizations to enable marginalized people to organize, claim their rights, and take control of their lives. This grant will allow ForumCiv Regional Office Eastern and Southern Africa to support the empowerment of communities to build accountable and responsive governance structures and processes in Kenya and Tanzania. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)