Evidence for Democracy

For A Case Study Of Work To Create Grassroots Support For Evidence-informed Policymaking In Canada

Evidence for Democracy (E4D) is a Canadian nonprofit organization that promotes the transparent use of evidence in government decision making through mobilizing the scientific community to create public and political support for evidence. With this grant, E4D will assess what elements of its work over this period have been successful and why, and produce a case study documenting and examining the grassroots movement that evolved in Canada to support evidence-informed policymaking. The aim is to spark discussion about citizen engagement to promote science and evidence use in other countries.
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for a case study of work to create grassroots support for evidence-informed policymaking in Canada  
Evidence for Democracy (E4D) is a Canadian nonprofit organization that promotes the transparent use of evidence in government decision making through mobilizing the scientific community to create public and political support for evidence. With this grant, E4D will assess what elements of its work over this period have been successful and why, and produce a case study documenting and examining the grassroots movement that evolved in Canada to support evidence-informed policymaking. The aim is to spark discussion about citizen engagement to promote science and evidence use in other countries.

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