Evidence Action
For Documenting And Sharing Evidence Action’s Experience With Large-scale Implementation
Date Awarded5/31/2019
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Evidence Action supports governments in implementing large-scale programs that have been validated by impact evaluations. This project will enable Evidence Action to reflect on, codify, and share the lessons about working with governments to strengthen specific policies and programs. The grant will facilitate internal learning on the incubation and scale-up of evidence-based interventions, and sharing of these lessons with other implementing organizations, researchers, and funders.
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Grants to this Grantee
for documenting and sharing Evidence Action’s experience with large-scale implementation
Evidence Action supports governments in implementing large-scale programs that have been validated by impact evaluations. This project will enable Evidence Action to reflect on, codify, and share the lessons about working with governments to strengthen specific policies and programs. The grant will facilitate internal learning on the incubation and scale-up of evidence-based interventions, and sharing of these lessons with other implementing organizations, researchers, and funders.