Energy Innovation Reform Project
For The Nuclear Reform Project
Date Awarded11/24/2015
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
With these grant funds, the Energy Innovation Reform Project seeks to educate policymakers on the need to change outdated rules at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy that hinder research and development about the feasibility of smaller, safer nuclear reactors. Through this work, the project hopes to engage policymakers that may be skeptical about the need for climate policy on the rationale for increased research on the next generation of carbon-free nuclear technologies. In doing so, the organization seeks to create more engagement in advancing clean-energy solutions.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The Energy Innovation Reform Project’s mission is to promote bipartisan energy and climate policies, primarily at the federal level, to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and globally, while advancing other U.S. national goals in energy policy. The project supports dialogue on climate change within the conservative policy community, focusing on energy solutions that include mitigation technologies, such as carbon capture and storage and advanced nuclear. They work on promoting innovation-based solutions to combat the challenge of climate change. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)
for general operating support
The Energy Innovation Reform Project seeks to develop a dialogue on climate change within the conservative policy community, focusing on energy solutions, including mitigation technologies such as carbon capture and storage and advanced nuclear. They work on promoting innovation-based solutions to the challenge of climate change.