EastSide Arts Alliance

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    36 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
EastSide Arts Alliance is a collective of artists that has been dedicated to using art and culture to unify and empower residents of Oakland’s Lower San Antonio/Fruitvale neighborhood since 1999. In partnership with a nonprofit developer, the organization opened the 5,000 square foot EastSide Cultural Center in 2007. The center is a positive focal point for the neighborhood and home to most of the organization’s more than 300 low-cost or no-cost theater, music, dance, and visual arts programs that reach 16,000 people each year. Renewed support would help the organization maintain its programs for adults, youth, and children, as well as help it strengthen its infrastructure so it can better ensure that it remains an enduring feature of and for its community.
About the Grantee
2277 International Boulevard Post Office Box 17008, Oakland, CA, 94606, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for the 2020 50 Arts Commissions for dance and movement-based performance  
In recognition of the Hewlett Foundation’s 50th anniversary, the Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions initiative supports the creation and premiere of 50 exceptional works of performing arts. This grant will support EastSide Arts Alliance in developing and presenting "This Too Shall Pass," a multi-site, ritual dance theater performance by artist Amara Tabor-Smith. "This Too Shall Pass" will address the displacement, well-being, and sex trafficking of black women and girls in Oakland.
for general operating support  
EastSide Arts Alliance is a collective of artists that has been dedicated to using art and culture to unify and empower residents of Oakland’s Lower San Antonio/Fruitvale neighborhood since 1999. The multidisciplinary arts organization produces and presents a wide range of low-cost or free classes, exhibitions, performances, and festivals that reach 16,000 people each year. Renewed funding will support the organization’s goals to maintain a wide range of cultural activities and its artist-in-residence program, strengthen its financial systems, and explore strategies for increasing earned income.

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