Development Gateway

For A Program To Spur The Creation And Use Of Open Contracting Data In Uganda And Senegal

Development Gateway promotes transparency and citizen participation in public resource management through the use of technology and capacity building. In each partner country, Development Gateway works closely with government and civil society groups to build and use technology tools for open publication of data on government transactions. These transactions include contracting, procurement, and public service provision. Development Gateway also builds the capacity of civil society and watchdog groups to access and use this data for monitoring and oversight. This grant will enable Development Gateway to work with the governments of Senegal and Uganda to increase transparency and public participation in government contracting and procurement.
About the Grantee
1100 13th Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20005, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for education data-driven decision mapping research in East and West Africa  
Development Gateway: an IREX Venture (DG) is an international nonprofit organization with team members in more than 10 countries worldwide. DG conducts research on data ecosystems, builds digital tools to support those ecosystems, improves data interoperability and analytics, and advises on data strategy and digital transformation to strengthen decision making, transparency, and service delivery. IREX is a global development and education organization dedicated to building a more just, prosperous, and inclusive world by empowering youth, cultivating leaders, strengthening institutions, and extending access to quality education and information. Through this grant, DG, together with education sector experts from IREX, will map the education data and decision ecosystems in Kenya and Senegal, focusing on primary and secondary education, to more holistically understand the barriers to more effective data sharing, interoperability, and ultimate use. By understanding the barriers to data use, this program will allow for more targeted interventions for creating robust education data ecosystems for better learning outcomes. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)
for support of Open Heroines, a feminist community of women in the governance spaces  
This grant to Development Gateway is to support Open Heroines (OH), an online global community of hundreds of women who work in open government, open data, and/or civic technology (known as open+sectors). OH will hire a community coordinator to manage the network, facilitate skill-share sessions, and organize local events. It will also hire a program manager to create a support group for women to share their stories, bring to the fore common issues and challenges, and become ambassadors to advocate for healthy work environments for women to work and thrive in the open+sectors. Through products like blogs, social media, and guides, OH seeks to elevate feminist views in thought leadership and policy development in the open+sectors. (Substrategy: Governance Channels)
for support of administrative data work in Africa  
Development Gateway helps governments and donors use data management tools to improve development results. This program will support the government of Senegal in using data generated through program implementation, referred to as administrative data, to improve the design and implementation of agriculture programs. Development Gateway will also document and share evidence on administrative data use in Africa and provide technical assistance to select multilateral agencies’ efforts to help governments improve data use. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)

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