Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung

For Strategic Planning

As the only NGO providing research-based population information to the media, political leaders, and the general public in Germany, the Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (Hannover, Germany) promotes development aid from Germany and the European Commission in population, reproductive health, and family planning, and works to strengthen the corresponding public support and research needed. Funds would support a five-year strategic planning process. (New, $30,000/1; $30,000 from Philanthropy, $0 from Population; 100% of project budget) This grant is aligned with Guideline 2 of the Population Program strategy with a focus on policy dialogue. DSW is one of the strongest population NGOs in Europe and one of the few organizations that has been successful at enhancing governmental commitment to population issues despite a declining economy and political challenges.
About the Grantee
Hindenburgstraße 25, Hannover, D-30175, Germany

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