For A Meeting And Followup Linking Election Reform And Deliberative Democracy
ProgramConflict Resolution
Date Awarded6/22/2004
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
80 Broad Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY, 10004, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Dēmos is a nonprofit public policy organization working to build a just, inclusive, multiracial democracy and economy. For two decades, Dēmos has worked at the intersection of democracy reform, economic justice, and racial justice — drawing on its expertise in policy solutions, research, legal advocacy, and narrative strategies. This support will enable Dēmos to advance an affirmative vision for a just, inclusive, multiracial democracy and economy by building civic, political, and economic power for all.
for development of a strategic impact and sustainability plan
Demos (New York, NY) is a non-partisan public policy research and advocacy organization whose current work includes support of pro-voter litigation, generation of new policy ideas on economic opportunity, and a new initiative on Balanced Regulation for the 21st Century. A grant to Demos will support the development of a strategic impact and sustainability plan for the next three to five years. The plan will include a new Vice President position, a communications audit, a full funding plan, and a slate of new program initiatives. (New, $125,000/1; 47% of project budget)