Council for a Strong America

For Strengthening State Policy And Local Implementation Of California’s School Accountability System

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The Council for a Strong America is a nonprofit organization that unites police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, and survivors of violence around solutions that divert young people from crime. With Hewlett Foundation support, the council will make the case for maintaining and strengthening California’s school accountability system by highlighting local success stories as well as the need for continuing funding increases. It will use strategic communications, research, and policymaker education to achieve these goals.
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for mobilizing business and community leaders to advocate for deeper learning  
Council for a Strong America is an umbrella for five membership organizations composed of leaders from the business, military, and other sectors that work on public policy issues. The council will continue outreach to provide policymakers and the public with information about the gap between the skills students currently attain in school and what they will need for postsecondary, civic, and employment success. The council’s work, led by its ReadyNation initiative, draws attention to the need for updated definitions of college- and career-readiness, aligned testing, and better accountability systems, all of which foster systemic reform and strengthen educators’ ability to teach deeper learning skills.
for mobilizing business and community leaders to advocate for deeper learning  
Council for a Strong America is an umbrella for five membership organizations, composed of leaders from the business, military, and other sectors, working to address public policy issues. Through its ReadyNation initiative and others, the Council would continue outreach to provide policymakers and the public with information about the gap between the skills students currently attain in school and those they will need for postsecondary, civic, and employment success. The Council’s work draws attention through the megaphone of "unexpected messengers" to the need for an updated definition of college- and career-readiness, as well as aligned testing and accountability systems, all of which will foster systemic reform that strengthens educators’ ability to teach deeper learning skills.
for mobilizing business and community leaders to advocate for deeper learning  
Council for a Strong America is an umbrella for five membership organizations working to address public policy issues and composed of leaders from the business, military, law enforcement, faith, and sports sectors. The Council aims to conduct an outreach initiative to promote implementation of the Common Core State Standards and provide policymakers and the public with information needed to support best practices. They would emphasize aligned testing and accountability systems and a changed definition of college- and career-readiness that will strengthen educators’ ability to teach to deeper learning goals.

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