Congressional Management Foundation
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded2/2/2021
Term5.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
This grant supplements the existing multiyear general operating support grant to the Congressional Management Foundation in order to provide expanded capacity in the 117th Congress. The foundation builds effectiveness and trust in Congress by enhancing the performance of the institution, legislators, and their staffs through research-based education and training, and by strengthening the bridge of understanding between Congress and the people it serves. The foundation works directly with members of Congress and their staffs to enhance internal operations of Congress, and it trains citizen groups on effective engagement and how Congress actually works. It further acts as a critic, defender, and explainer of Congress.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The Congressional Management Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit whose mission is to build trust and effectiveness in Congress. It does this by enhancing the performance of the institution, legislators, and their staffs through research-based education and training, and by strengthening the bridge and understanding between Congress and the people it serves. The foundation works with members, committees, leadership, and institutional offices in the House and Senate to improve internal management, the workplace environment, communications, and constituent service practices.
for general operating support
The Congressional Management Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit whose mission is to build trust and effectiveness in Congress. It does this by enhancing the performance of the institution, legislators, and their staffs through research-based education and training, and by strengthening the bridge and understanding between Congress and the people it serves. The foundation works with members, committees, leadership, and institutional offices in the House and Senate to improve internal management, the workplace environment, communications, and constituent service practices. The foundation also is the leading researcher and trainer on citizen engagement, educating thousands of individuals and facilitating better communications with Congress.