Colorado State University Foundation
For The Climate Adaptation Partnership
Date Awarded6/2/2021
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Colorado State University’s Climate Adaptation Partnership (CAP) for Policy Innovation and Research Coordination serves to coordinate and accelerate interdisciplinary research and to facilitate science-informed, just, and holistic social and ecological policies in the face of a changing climate. This includes work on climate-adaptive public land policy and management, particularly around forest fire management. This grant supports CAP’s project, in partnership with other wildfire policy experts, to identify policy and governance options for prescribed fire in the Western United States. (Substrategy: Wildfire).
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for a workshop on working with rural communities
The Colorado State University Foundation assists in the promotion, development, and enhancement of the facilities, educational programs, and opportunities for the faculty, students, and alumni of Colorado State University. This project grant enables the university to host a workshop for students and members of the public, including conservation practitioners, to learn how to partner effectively with rural communities to protect lands, wildlife, and waterways. The workshop, which may be held virtually as needed, will feature new research from Duke University and the Resources Legacy Fund. (Western Conservation Substrategy: Building Conditions for Enduring Conservation.)
for the Utility Design for 21st Century conference
The Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University is hosting a meeting of electric utility CEO's and CFOs' for a Chatham Rules forum to discuss the obstacles to developing a new low carbon business model for utilities and federal administrative policies that can facilitate a low carbon utility model. The meeting is meant to be the start of a nationwide effort to reform utility business models.
for the Climate Adaptation Partnership
Colorado State University’s Climate Adaptation Partnership (CAP) for Policy Innovation and Research Coordination serves to coordinate and accelerate interdisciplinary research and to facilitate science-informed, just, and holistic social and ecological policies in the face of a changing climate. This includes work on climate-adaptive public land policy and management, particularly around forest fire management. This grant supports CAP’s project, in partnership with other wildfire policy experts, to identify policy and governance options for prescribed fire in the Western United States. (Substrategy: Wildfire).