Central Valley Community Foundation

For Its Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project

Despite California’s tremendous recent success in reducing teen pregnancies, the Central Valley still has some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation. The Fresno Regional Foundation is the largest community foundation in the Central Valley, now managing $60 million and still growing. Support from the Hewlett Foundation has succeeded not only in supporting teen pregnancy prevention programs but also in increasing the Fresno Regional Foundation’s commitment to teen pregnancy prevention. The Regional Foundation has made several grants for teen pregnancy prevention with its own non-Hewlett funds, something that had not happened before the Hewlett support familiarized them with the opportunities related to teen pregnancy prevention in the region. This grant will enable the Fresno Regional Foundation to support local teen pregnancy prevention programs and continue its efforts to educate the community about the importance of this issue and its impact on the well-being of children and families.
About the Grantee
5260 North Palm Avenue Suite 122, Fresno, CA, 93704-2234, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for its teen pregnancy prevention project  
Despite California’s tremendous recent success in reducing teen pregnancies, the Central Valley still has some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation. The Central Valley Regional Foundation has become the leader in building a sector of teen pregnancy prevention programs in the Central Valley. With support from the Hewlett Foundation, it has succeeded not only in increasing the number teens who are now exposed to these programs but also increasing the Regional Foundation’s broader commitment to teen pregnancy prevention. This grant will enable it to continue building on strong local momentum to support teen pregnancy prevention programs and other efforts to reduce teen pregnancy.
for its teen pregnancy prevention project  
Despite California’s tremendous recent success in reducing teen pregnancies, the Central Valley still has some of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation. The Fresno Regional Foundation has become the leader in building a sector of teen pregnancy prevention programs in the Central Valley. With support from the Hewlett Foundation, it has succeeded not only in increasing the number teens who are now exposed to these programs but also increasing the Regional Foundation’s broader commitment to teen pregnancy prevention. This grant will enable it to continue supporting local teen pregnancy prevention programs and increasing community support for efforts to reduce teen pregnancy.

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