For Support To Plan And Pilot A Story Collection Effort Focused On Black Educators
Date Awarded8/25/2021
Term28.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
BlackFemaleProject uplifts the voices of Black women, affirms their experiences, and offers insights for achieving self-defined success in the workplace and beyond. This grant will support their story collection and dissemination of “Teacher Truth: Voices of Black Educators on K-12 Teaching and Learning”. (Substrategy: Educator Capacity)
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Grants to this Grantee
for support and research of the Teacher Truth story collection
BlackFemaleProject uplifts the voices of Black women, affirms their experiences, and offers insights for achieving self-defined success in the workplace and beyond. This grant will support Phase 3 of their forthcoming story collection and dissemination of Teacher Truth: Voices of Black Educators on K-12 Teaching and Learning. (Substrategy: Educator Capacity)
for support to plan and pilot a story collection effort focused on Black educators
Black Female Project seeks to positively impact the wellness and professional experiences of Black women. The organization uses convenings, conversations, and communication tools, reaching across generations and industries, to affirm women who thrive at work and to prepare younger women for the realities of the workplace. The grant will support a project to engage, document, and share the voices and experiences of Black educators in California.