Bard College
For Support Of A Gender And Macroeconomics Workshop To Be Conducted By The Levy Economics Institute
Date Awarded3/3/2016
Term6.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This supplemental grant will support the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College to conduct a workshop on gender and macroeconomics. A previously approved grant (#2015-2068) budgeted approximately $80,000 for the workshop, to be held at the Levy Institute. The location of the workshop has since been moved to New York City, which would enable more participants to attend. The supplemental grant would help to cover the higher costs of holding a workshop in New York City. The goal of this workshop is to advance the current framework that integrates gender and unpaid work into macroeconomic analysis and enables the development of gender-aware and equitable economic policies.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of Bard Early College
Bard Early College increases success in and access to postsecondary education for high school students by offering a tuition-free college program of study embedded in public high schools. This grant will support Bard Early College in partnership with the Bard Center for Civic Engagement to create a new academic concentration at the intersection of deeper learning and civic engagement. The program will be developed in deep collaboration with public high school students in the early college program and will be informed by their lived experiences, applying academic themes and competencies to challenges in the community. (Substrategy: Student and Community Voice)
for the Levy Economics Institute's Gender Equality and the Economy program
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College’s Gender Equality and the Economy program generates rigorous evidence on how economic processes and policies affect gender equality and examines the influence of gender inequalities on economic outcomes. Over the next few years, the program aims to conduct economic analyses on gender disparities in employment security and welfare outcomes in Ghana and South Africa, host regional policy dialogues, and organize its annual gender and macroeconomics workshop. This grant will enable the Gender Equality and the Economy program to deepen these focal areas. (Strategy: International Women's Economic Empowerment)
for the Levy Economics Institute's Gender Equality and the Economy program
This grant will support the Levy Economics Institute’s Gender Equality and the Economy program to generate new knowledge on the determinants of women’s time and poverty in five African countries that can be used to inform gendered economic analysis and related policy goals. The project’s multicountry, multilevel research design is strengthened through new partnerships with in-country researchers to produce contextually relevant evidence for regional and national policymakers, activists, and scholars working to advance social and economic investments that allow for greater gender equality in paid and unpaid work. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)