Aspen Institute

For The Support Of The Program On Philanthropy And Social Innovation

The Aspen Institute’s Program on Philanthropy and Social Innovation runs projects that apply the Institute’s significant convening power to the strategic pursuit of social change. In particular, the Institute hosts an annual meeting of the Aspen Philanthropy Group, a significant gathering of philanthropy leaders typically attended by at least one representative of the Hewlett Foundation. In addition to this primary gathering, the Institute runs social sector leadership development programs and shares knowledge on effective philanthropy and nonprofit practice via an array of communications, conference presentations and publications. The Institute also hosts a Nonprofit Data Working Group focused on increasing the amount of timely, readily available, high-quality information about nonprofit performance and sponsors an Impact Economy Initiative to advance the nascent field of impact investing.
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2300 N Street NW, #700, Washington, DC, 20037-1122, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for the Verify conference  
Aspen Digital is the Aspen Institute’s umbrella program on cybersecurity, technology, and digital policy issues. A grant to the Aspen Institute will support Aspen Digital’s planning and execution of a media roundtable to deepen journalists’ understanding of key cybersecurity and technology policy issues and, by extension, their ability to translate and make those policy issues more accessible to the public.
for the Aspen Digital program  
The Aspen Institute, founded in 1949, is a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. Aspen Digital empowers policymakers, civic organizations, companies, and the public to be responsible stewards of technology and digital media in the service of a more just and equitable world. This grant will support Aspen Digital’s cybersecurity and technology initiatives focused on addressing U.S. cyber policy challenges, disseminating solutions to these problems, and building a cadre of policy-informed tech experts to produce sound, secure products and ultimately, a safer cyber ecosystem. This grant supports Aspen Digital’s US Cybersecurity Group, the new Global Cybersecurity Group, and the Aspen Tech Policy Hub. (Strategy: Core Institutions)
for support of the Urban District Leadership Network  
The Urban District Leadership Network is a learning community that supports senior leaders from nationwide urban bellwether districts in improving student learning conditions and experiences through thoughtful transformation of complex district systems. The network promotes learning, inspiration, reflection, and collaboration around efforts such as encouraging systemic coherence and the reorientation of school systems to student needs, experiences, and identities. It invites system leaders and researchers into conversation to address the gap between research and practice. This grant supports convening superintendents and their chief officers as they work to execute and sustain a rich, modern vision for the success of today’s students that is grounded in research and informed by practice — and that sees learners in their full humanity and potential. (Substrategy: District Deep Dives and Networks)

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