Aspen Institute

For The Support Of The Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund In The Bay Area

The Philanthropy program applies three criteria for its Serving Bay Area Communities (SBAC) grants: (a) the work supports an innovative philanthropic model, (b) the work had some potential to scale regionally and nationally, and (c) the work provides direct service to Bay Area communities. With this SBAC grant, we support the implementation of collective impact initiatives in the Bay Area as part of the Aspen Institute’s Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund. These initiatives seek to reconnect disconnected youth (opportunity youth) with education and employment opportunities, via two backbone organizations—Kids in Common in Santa Clara County and Urban Strategies Council in Oakland.
About the Grantee
2300 N Street NW, #700, Washington, DC, 20037-1122, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change  
The Aspen Institute, in partnership with Ananta Aspen Centre in India, manages the India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change. This sponsorship grant helped the institute assemble a group of experts from government, NGOs, academia, and the business community to help define a constructive bilateral agenda on critical energy and climate concerns. The Track II Dialogue aims to foster trust and cooperation, and uses targeted analyses to suggest concrete pathways for collaboration between the governments and relevant subnational and nonstate actors. (Substrategy: Multilateral)
for the project Advancing a New Paradigm for Public Education  
The Aspen Institute is a nonpartisan forum for values-based leadership and the exchange of ideas. Its Education & Society Program seeks to improve public education outcomes by informing, influencing, and inspiring education leaders across policy and practice, with an emphasis on achieving equity for students of color and students from low-income families. The Aspen Institute asserts that in today’s complex educational landscape, the country lacks a unifying vision for its public schools. This grant supports a series of exploratory conversations to reconceptualize public education’s purpose, discuss plausible definitions of success, and consider the measures of progress that would accompany a new paradigm for public education. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)

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