American University
For Support Of The Accountability Research Center’s Joint Research With Social Accountability Groups
Date Awarded3/25/2019
Term42.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
This grant will support the Accountability Research Center at American University. The Center conducts action research in partnership with civil society organizations that are testing various approaches to expand citizens’ access to and use of information to identify gaps in service provision and to demand improvements. Their research focuses on power dynamics, and whether and how service providers and government decision makers are responsive to these demands. The Center’s activities aim to build the capacity and create channels for innovative civil society organizations from low- and middle-income countries to interrogate and share what they are learning within the transparency, participation, and accountability field and with other global development practitioners.
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Grants to this Grantee
for the ”Addressing Change Through Our Nation’s Service Corps” research
American University will undertake research to expand our understanding of how service corps programs in the U.S. that address climate change affect the people who participate, the communities in which they work, and the environmental outcomes of this work. Researchers will collect data from individual participants, assess the capacity of service corps programs to connect to communities, and develop measures to gauge the environmental benefits of the service corps projects. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)
for the New Perspectives in Studies of American Governance Program
American University’s Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies serves scholars, students, policymakers, and the public by propelling actionable research, providing public education, and promoting a more reasonable public square. This grant will support Phase II of the New Perspectives in Studies of American Governance Program. The New Perspectives program fuels boundary-pushing scholarship as it pertains to the rapidly evolving executive and legislative branches of the U.S. federal government. It does so by providing new research grants and dissemination outlets to scholars pursuing novel research questions from traditionally underrepresented points of view.
for reducing copyright barriers to OER creation
Through the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at American University, this grant will support the OER community through technical assistance on copyright, Creative Commons licensing, and fair use, working to strengthen and complement existing projects while mapping what additional legal resources are needed to enable teaching practices focused on personalization, open pedagogy, and universal design. This helps teachers understand how to take advantage of the flexibility of OER, facilitates a diverse ecosystem of OER, and supports implementation at a system level. (Substrategy: Field Building)