Afsaneh Art & Culture Society - Ballet Afsaneh
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded11/17/2014
Term36.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
Ballet Afsaneh is the flagship professional performance program of Afsaneh Art and Culture Society, whose mission is to present the dance, music, and poetry of the historic Silk Road regions of Central Asia, and it remains the only performing arts group in the Bay Area with that focus. In addition to both local and international performances, the Afsaneh Dance Academy concentrates on teaching traditional dance forms as a way to bring dancers up the ranks into the company and deepen their connections with Central Asian culture. A renewal grant would assist the organization in strengthening its capacity so it may continue to deliver excellent artistic and education programs, while engaging new audiences.
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Afsaneh Art & Culture Society’s Ballet Afsaneh, better known as Ballet Afsaneh and doing business as Afsaneh Arts, presents the dance, music, and poetry of the historic Silk Road regions of Central Asia. The organization reaches an audience of 10,000 each year through its professional performing company and educational programs. Ballet Afsaneh’s dancers and students perform in theaters, festivals, museums, universities, and at community events in the Bay Area and throughout the United States. This grant to Afsaneh Arts supports the Performing Arts Program’s Communities strategy.
for general operating support
The mission of Ballet Afsaneh—the flagship professional performance program of Afsaneh Art and Culture Society—is to present the dance, music, and poetry of the historic Silk Road regions from the China Sea to the Mediterranean. It is the only performing arts group in the Bay Area that focuses on these art forms of Central Asia. In addition to presenting both performances, the Afsaneh Dance Academy teaches traditional dance forms as a way to bring students into its performing company and deepen their connections with Central Asian culture.