ActionAid USA

For A Study On Biofuels Production Influence In Africa On Rural Economies And Food Security

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for general operating support  
ActionAid is an international network of organizations dedicated to social justice, poverty eradication, and gender equality in over 70 countries. Their work strengthens the agency of people living in poverty and partners with movements and grassroots leaders to develop holistic, community-led solutions to their most pressing challenges. ActionAid USA works at the U.S., regional, and international levels to advance ActionAid’s shared mission. In partnership with communities and organizations in the U.S. and around the world, ActionAid USA engages in advocacy and activism to undertake global policy efforts and mobilizes funds in support of ActionAid’s programs around the world. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)
for convening and connecting movements in Africa on feminist alternatives to neoliberalism  
ActionAid USA is the U.S. branch of ActionAid International, which works in more than 50 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication. ActionAid builds international momentum for social, economic, and environmental justice, driven by people living in poverty and exclusion. This grant will support the convening of a group of strategic thinkers, including feminists, from across Africa on building a new economic paradigm to replace neoliberalism. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)

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