ActionAid UK
For The Bretton Woods Project
Date Awarded7/14/2015
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This grant will monitor the impact and implementation of international financial institutions’ macroeconomic policy to examine how it is currently developed with respect to gender analysis, and where gaps in analysis and data exist. Through work with civil society and targeted advocacy directed at international financial institutions and other multilateral institutions, this grant will seek to push for policy changes regarding the incorporation of a gender perspective into macroeconomic policymaking.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Bretton Woods Project's Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Project
This grant to ActionAid UK will support the Bretton Woods Project (BWP) and its partners. The Bretton Woods Project focuses on the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to challenge their power and open space for civil society and social movements to contribute to the development of policies that are gender transformative, equitable, environmentally sustainable, and consistent with international human rights norms. This grant will challenge the ways in which macroeconomic policies promoted by international financial institutions, particularly the IMF and the World Bank, undermine gender equality and women’s rights. BWP will work in partnership with the Gender and Development Network and International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)