Four ways funders can support better health services in low-income countries

Read this post in French here.  Today, civil society organizations around the world are marking Universal Health Coverage Day by working together to raise awareness about an important commitment more and more governments are making: that all people have access to the health services they need, without falling into financial hardship paying for them, otherwise…

What distributed leadership looks like

Take a moment to think about your organization. How much are responsibilities and decision making diffused throughout it? To what degree are the perspectives and skills of all staff members fully utilized? Would you say that staff are involved in central decisions affecting the organization? Your answers to these questions signal the degree to which…

Congress can do better oversight no matter who wins the election

Whatever the outcome of the 2018 mid-term elections, oversight in the 116th Congress is likely to retain some partisan characteristics. If Democrats win a majority of seats in either the House of Representatives or the Senate, we could see an uptick in oversight, including highly partisan investigations. If Republicans maintain control, oversight could remain quiet. 

Safeguarding U.S. elections: Q&A with Alliance for Securing Democracy’s Laura Rosenberger and Jamie Fly

The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) was launched in July of 2017 with one of my favorite taglines – “Putin Knocked. We Answered” – as a deliberately bipartisan, transatlantic effort to improve U.S. national security. The Hewlett Foundation was among the alliance’s first funders, with support from our Madison Initiative that works to strengthen U.S. 

The world’s wake up call on climate change

The most recent update from the world’s best scientists is out — and they paint a grim picture of a world in dire straits due to looming climate change. To avoid truly catastrophic damages, they conclude that we must act — decisively and with unprecedented scale and urgency. The newly released report by the Intergovernmental 

Building a strong infrastructure for arts and culture organizations in Oakland

Vanessa Camarena-Arredondo Vanessa Camarena-Arredondo is a program officer at Akonadi Foundation, an Oakland, California-based funder focused on racial justice. Her role includes managing the Beloved Community Fund, which supports free public art and cultural events rooted in Oakland’s communities of color. We spoke with her about her work, including a recently launched pilot effort to strengthen…

John McCain and straight talk about our democracy’s key values

The death of Arizona Senator John McCain has led to a host of tributes far beyond what we would normally expect in the wake of a senator’s passing. It’s due, in part, to the compelling arc of his life story and his eminently quotable style. But it’s also due to the fact that McCain spoke 

Spending, flexibility, and dealing with economic downturns

“Whatever goes up must come down”— a rule as inescapable when it comes to financial markets as it is to balls tossed in the air. As for “up,” we are now in the ninth year of what is already the second longest economic expansion in U.S. history, making it all-too-easy to act as if the…

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