“Foundations”: A Q&A with Jacob Harold, Philanthropy Program Officer

“Foundations” is an occasional series of informal question-and-answer sessions with employees and others affiliated with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to give them an opportunity to explain their work. In this Q&A, Jacob Harold, Philanthropy Program Officer, explains the thinking behind the Hewlett Foundation’s decision to support Charting Impact, a partnership project of three 

Elizabeth Peters Named General Counsel for Hewlett Foundation

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Elizabeth Peters, an attorney who is an expert in tax laws affecting foundations and charities, has been named general counsel for The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, its officials announced today. Peters became associate general counsel in October 2010 and has served as acting general counsel since December. Before joining the 

Erin Rogers Joins Hewlett Foundation as Officer in the Environment Program

MENLO PARK, Calif. – Erin Rogers, an expert in climate and energy policy in the western United States, has joined The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as an officer in the Foundation’s Environment Program, officials announced today. Before joining the Foundation, Rogers was manager of western states climate and energy work for the Union of 

Hewlett Foundation Launches New Initiative to Reform Education Policy in California

MENLO PARK, Calif. – The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has awarded $3.5 million to establish the California Education Policy Fund, an initiative created to support innovative organizations working to reform education policy throughout the state with an emphasis on underserved students, the Foundation announced today. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, a nonprofit organization with a proven 

Foundation Newsletter March/April 2011

Deeper Learning Educating a New Generation to Compete in the World America’s students will compete not just with their classmates but, increasingly, with students throughout the world. And right now, new standardized tests reveal that young Americans are lagging far behind in the skills that will be critical to their, and our nation’s, success. It 

Can Deeper Learning Improve American Competitiveness?

Americans were stunned when fifteen-year-olds from Shanghai, China, led the world while U.S. students lagged far behind in the results of a respected international exam released in December. How did American students do? They trailed Poland in math and science. It was the first time mainland Chinese students had taken the Programme for International Student 

“Foundations”: A Q&A with Christopher Shearer, Education Program Officer

“Foundations” is an occasional series of informal question-and-answer sessions with employees and others affiliated with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to give them an opportunity to explain their work. Christopher Shearer is an officer with the Foundation’s Education Program, which makes grants to improve K-12 and higher education. Along with its work on improving 

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