Renewing our support for arts education policy and advocacy

Dear reader                Albert Hope, integrity, quiet who likes drawing who feels like a calm breeze who wants to be liked who needs art at the center of my world                Trying   Albert’s poem found me at an arts education convening in Fresno in 2013. It was arranged…

California Arts Education Data Project San Francisco Bay Area Reports

The California Arts Education Data Project provides tools to view California Department of Education data on enrollment by grade level for arts courses delivered at California traditional public and charter schools from schools with grades 6 through 12. In 2018, the Hewlett Foundation Performing Arts Program commissioned Quadrant Research to provide regional and county-level reports 

Lessons from the boreal forest

For nearly 20 years, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has been supporting grantees, working with First Nations, to conserve Canada’s boreal forest for its cultural, ecological, and economic benefits. The boreal is one of the world’s largest intact ecosystems and its third-largest wetland, providing critical habitat for polar bears, wolverines, and more than 300 

Evaluation of the Boreal Forest Conservation Initiative

The TERRAMAR consulting group’s strategic evaluation of the Hewlett Foundation’s Boreal Forest Conservation Initiative (Boreal Initiative) focused on capturing learning about programmatic success, as well as identifying challenges, gaps and emergent strategic opportunities. The evaluation was completed in April 2018.

California Education Policy Fund Evaluation of Deeper Learning Policy Changes in California

Created by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in 2011, the California Education Policy Fund (CEPF) has worked to improve education policies in California by strengthening and supporting an “ecosystem” of nonprofit advocacy, research, grassroots and information sharing organizations. With an annual budget of about $4 million, the Fund—managed by Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) and 

What we’ve learned so far from our transparency, participation, and accountability strategy evaluation

In July 2017, the Global Development and Population program commissioned a formative evaluation of the Transparency, Participation, and Accountability (TPA) strategy to inform both our grantmaking practices, and related activities that extend our work beyond our grant dollars, such as grantee convenings and our engagement with peer funders. The evaluation consultants, Itad Ltd. worked with…

Evaluating Deeper Learning: Retrospect and Prospect

In 2017, Barbara Chow wrote “Bottom line, over the last six years, we’ve seen mounting evidence that deeper learning works.” A year later, to inform our Education program’s strategy refresh, the foundation asked The Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) to look back at our past strategy research studies and evaluations and see 

Case Studies in Distributed Leadership

Distributed leadership is a framework for understanding how the work of leadership is shared within complex organizations. Building on our Performing Arts Program’s interest in generational change with the nonprofit arts sector, the Hewlett Foundation commissioned Open Mind Consulting and Informing Change to develop a set of case studies examining how some nonprofit organizations are…

Our Next Assignment: Where Americans Stand on K-12 Public Education

One of the few things Americans tend to agree on is that our public education system isn’t giving all of our students what they need to succeed after graduation. In the face of difficult job markets, increased automation, surprise elections and sky-high college tuition fees, we’ve spent the last two decades trying out idea after 

Talking about K-12 education

One of the few things Americans tend to agree on is that our public education system isn’t giving all of our students what they need to succeed after graduation. In the face of difficult job markets, increased automation, surprise elections and sky-high college tuition fees, we’ve spent the last two decades trying out idea after…

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