Let’s Get Real

In 2010, Jobs for the Future—with support from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation—launched the Students at the Center initiative, an effort to identify, synthesize, and share research findings on effective approaches to teaching and learning at the high school level. The initiative began by commissioning a series of white papers on key topics in secondary schooling, such as 

The Carnegie Unit

Early in the twentieth century, the industrialist Andrew Carnegie established the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to create a pension system for the nation’s college professors.The introduction of this pension system proved an ingenious educational reform. At the time, American higher education was a largely ill-dened enterprise with the differences between high school and colleges often unclear. 

Academic Motivation and School Engagement and Their Links to Academic Achievement

Introduction The Hewlett Foundation’s Education Program recently added Deeper Learning practices and policies to its strategic plan. Deeper Learning refers to the content students learn as well as the strategies they use to synthesize and apply new knowledge. In this paper, I review evidence from key studies documenting the extent to which students’ beliefs and 

ORS Impact Evaluation of Deeper Learning Advocacy

In August 2013, the Hewlett Foundation’s Education Program engaged ORS Impact to conduct an evaluation of the Deeper Learning portfolio’s role and influence on education advocacy policy. The evaluation report is now available on our website. Earlier this year, Evaluation Officer Amy Arbeton and two colleagues from ORS Impact presented the report’s findings at the annual American Evalaution Association 

Special Cyber Initiative Grants Memo

This memo explains the basis for three special grants we are recommending in the November docket. The grants, proposed in connection with the Cyber Initiative, are for $15 million each to the University of California, Berkeley; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Stanford University. The discussion below explains the basis for our recommendations, describes the 

Assessment of Regranting Intermediaries Strategy

In March 2014, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (the Hewlett Foundation) engaged consultants from Olive Grove in partnership with Informing Change to assess the effectiveness of the Foundation’s approach to support regranting intermediaries as a means to resource small arts organizations, individual artists, and communities or arts disciplines with which program staff have limited expertise (for instance, folk 

Deeper Learning Advocacy Cluster Evaluation

Introduction In August 2013, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s Education Program engaged ORS Impact to conduct a cluster evaluation of its advocacy work.1 The evaluation aimed to illuminate opportunities relevant to the Deeper Learning portfolio’s role and influence in the education advocacy and policy landscape. Findings offer actionable insights and raise strategic questions that 

Evaluation of the California Education Policy Fund 2011-2014

Introduction The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Hewlett) created the California Education Policy Fund (CEPF)1 in 2011. The CEPF was created at a time of budget crisis and limited policy opportunity within the California policymaking context. Administered by the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) and its contractor Capitol Impact LLC (CI), the Fund was conceived of 

Grantmaking Trends Memo: Performing Arts 2014

Introduction For many decades, the Performing Arts Program has held a value for multiyear general operating support as a primary means for helping nonprofit organizations achieve long-term impact. We have a presumption that a grant will be multiyear GOS, as long as the organization’s mission closely aligns with Program’s strategic framework. Multiyear GOS is especially 

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