The goals of this landscape analysis are to provide an overview of the Bay Area youth-serving funding and nonprofit communities. Key questions guiding the landscape analysis include:

I. Who are the key funders of youth-serving organizations in the Bay Area? What youth funder collaboratives exist in the Bay Area?

II. What are some of the key trends in the youth-serving field, in terms of funding priorities and intervention strategies?

III. What is the state of the youth-serving nonprofit community across the Bay Area?

IV. Are there gaps in the capacity building services currently being provided to youth-serving organizations in the Bay Area?

This landscape analysis is informed by interviews with 46 Bay Area youth-serving funders and nonprofit organizations, as well as analysis of funder and grantee data from Foundation Center’s Foundation Directory Online database. More details on the data collection methodology can be found in Appendix A. A summary of individuals interviewed for this project is included as Appendix B.