Toward Financial Sustainability: A Case Study of the Regional Institute for Population Studies at the University of Ghana

This case study explores how the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), part of the University of Ghana, established itself as a premier research and post-graduate training program in Africa after a leadership transition in 2006. The Hewlett Foundation commissioned the case study, which is based on interviews with internal and external stakeholders, as well 

Continuing the Conversation about ‘The Role of Citizen-led Assessments in Shifting the Education Agenda’

Our Dana Schmidt on new evaluation of citizen-led assessments from @R4Development: — Hewlett Foundation (@Hewlett_Found) June 27, 2015 In June, we shared findings from an evaluation of citizen-led assessments we commissioned from Results for Development. Since the report’s publication, which showed how engaging citizens in large scale, household-based assessments of children’s learning can 

Impact Evaluation for Better Development Outcomes: Our New Directions

We’ve been looking back at the Hewlett Foundation’s contributions to the field of impact evaluation in global development, and we’ve been looking ahead to a new approach to funding it. In looking back, we’ve tried to understand how some early investments yielded big things. In looking ahead, we’ve been exploring how this foundation can continue…

¿Cómo cambiaron los ciudadanos la agenda de la educación?

The UNESCO Institute of Statistics, a grantee of our Global Development and Population Program, recently took the initiative to translate Program Officer Dana Schmidt’s blog post about an evaluation of the citizen led assessments of learning we support. Thanks to Alejandra Masa López and Ana Aznar Castillo of Spain’s Instituto Nacional de Evaluacíon Educativa (INEE) for their work on the translation.

An Emergent Approach to Philanthropic Strategy

Madison Initiative Program Officer Kelly Born wrote this piece as a guest post for the Social Velocity blog. It appeared there earlier this week. -Ed. In March of 2014, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation launched a new initiative focused on US democracy reform, The Madison Initiative. The overarching goal is to “help create the conditions in which Congress and 

Five New Resources to Advance the Data Revolution in Global Development

As the dust settles from the United Nations Third International Conference on Financing for Development, it’s time for development professionals to celebrate the good things that were announced — for example, the announcement that country, civil society and private foundation champions have committed to forming a Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data — and get back 

Designs for a better world

Program Officer Margot Fahnestock on how a new partnership is helping A New Approach Having funded reproductive health services for nearly 50 years, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation is an experienced donor in the field of family planning. But a persistent challenge—especially for mature donors—is how to better connect with the teenagers we are 

A Small Step Toward Even Stronger Research

Funding research is an element of nearly all our grant making programs and strategies—running a wide gamut that encompasses everything from ascertaining who takes advantage of the Bay Area’s diverse performing arts to quantifying women’s contributions to the economies of sub-Saharan Africa. Research matters because knowledge is a powerful force for change, and high-quality evidence 

Infrastructure Matters, But Funding Hasn’t Kept Pace

When Fay Twersky and I started in our roles with the Hewlett Foundation’s Effective Philanthropy Group (in 2012 and 2013 respectively), we heard again and again that there was less funding available for infrastructure – the essential tools, networks and supports that foundations and nonprofits need to improve their practice – than there used to 

Preparing Leaders for Deeper Learning

The Hewlett Foundation’s Education Program supported consultant Getting Smart and grantee Digital Promise in examining the role of leaders and leadership development in fostering school-wide deeper learning efforts, including those in Hewlett’s deeper learning strategy. Following up on their report, “Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning,” the authors draw on lessons learned from the experience of 

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