Basic Education Coalition
For General Support For The Basic Education Coalition
Date Awarded7/20/2009
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
This last grant to the Academy for Educational Development (Washington, DC) would provide general support for the Basic Education Coalition (BEC), a consortium of nineteen organizations that together advocate for more support from the United States for the development of basic education in developing countries. Although Hewlett has been supporting BEC since 2001 and the coalition has successfully contributed to a fourfold increase in U.S. aid to education, BEC has not demonstrated a commitment or capacity to ensure these resources are directed toward quality education. With this tie-off grant, BEC would educate Congress, the administration, and the public about the returns to a country and its population if citizens are educated, and advocate for the United States to continue to increase its funding for education development.
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Grants to this Grantee
for general support for the Basic Education Coalition
This last grant to the Academy for Educational Development (Washington, DC) would provide general support for the Basic Education Coalition (BEC), a consortium of nineteen organizations that together advocate for more support from the United States for the development of basic education in developing countries. Although Hewlett has been supporting BEC since 2001 and the coalition has successfully contributed to a fourfold increase in U.S. aid to education, BEC has not demonstrated a commitment or capacity to ensure these resources are directed toward quality education. With this tie-off grant, BEC would educate Congress, the administration, and the public about the returns to a country and its population if citizens are educated, and advocate for the United States to continue to increase its funding for education development.