Bread for the World Institute
For Support Of The Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network
Date Awarded11/15/2010
Term15.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN) is hosted by Bread for the World Institute. By coordinating the efforts of a group of think tanks, advocacy organizations, and development experts committed to promoting U.S. aid reform, MFAN advances the Global Development Program priority of making U.S. development assistance more effective in promoting development and reducing poverty. Launched in early 2008, MFAN has become recognized within the policy community as a major advocacy force. In a relatively short period, it has helped build significant momentum for critical reforms to our aid system, some of which are already in motion. During the next eighteen months, MFAN will continue to press to make U.S. development assistance more effective, more accountable, and more responsive to local needs and priorities.
Bread for the World Institute (Washington, DC) – Project; Renewal; $1,550,000 over 1 year, 3 month s; 84% of project budget
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Grants to this Grantee
for strengthening coverage of women’s economic empowerment in the Hunger Report
This grant to Bread for the World Institute will support its twenty-fifth Hunger Report, which will focus on women’s important role in eliminating hunger. The purpose of the grant would be to elevate the faith community’s engagement and voice to promote women’s economic empowerment and to raise the profile of this issue in Bread for the World’s advocacy directed at the U.S. government and the post-2015 development goals.
for support of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network
The Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), with Bread for the World Institute as the fiscal sponsor, has been a key voice since 2007 for foreign assistance and global development policy reform among policymakers, thought leaders, and the development stakeholder community. This project grant will support MFAN as it transitions over the coming months to a coalition focused specifically on policy reforms to strengthen transparency and accountability and to ensure that the aid is more responsive to the people and governments of developing countries.
for support of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network
Bread for the World Institute is the fiscal sponsor of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), a group of think tanks, advocacy organizations, and development experts committed to making U.S. development assistance more effective, more accountable and more responsive to local needs and priorities. During the next eighteen months, MFAN will continue its efforts to hold policymakers accountable for implementing promised reforms, and will develop priority policy recommendations to inform future reform efforts. This grant also includes activities after the first quarter of 2013 that may lead to a restructuring or phaseout of MFAN.