Education Writers Association
For Training Journalists On Issues Related To Student Assessments
Date Awarded3/22/2016
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Education Writers Association is a national professional organization of journalists who cover education issues. It will provide reporters with training, resources, coaching, and support regarding independent, informed coverage of new student assessments—especially those aligned to the Common Core State Standards—and their relationship to deeper learning outcomes. By facilitating reporting that updates and engages the public on these topics, this work will support the Education Program’s goal of having 15 percent of U.S. public school students tested on deeper learning by 2017.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The Education Writers Association is a community of journalists that cover education issues across the United States. The organization is committed to improving the quality of education coverage through its array of programs offering training, information, support, and recognition. This grant is made to support the work of the organization as a whole, which includes building diverse education newsrooms, increasing coverage of teaching and learning, and countering disinformation about the education system among the public. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)