Medical Students for Choice

For General Operating Support

Medical Students for Choice seeks to reduce barriers to abortion access by engaging its activist base in medical schools in the United States and 26 other countries to advocate for family planning, including abortion, to be fully integrated into the basic structure and curricula of all medical education and training with the aim of abortion provision being normalized as an integral aspect of women’s health care.
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PO Box 40935, Philadelphia, PA, 19107, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Medical Students for Choice seeks to reduce barriers to abortion access by engaging medical school students in the United States and 26 other countries to advocate for contraception, abortion, and other reproductive health care to be fully integrated into the basic structure and curricula of all medical education and training with the aim of abortion provision being normalized as an integral aspect of reproductive health care. (Strategy: U.S. Reproductive Equity)
for general operating support  
A major barrier to access to safe and affordable abortion is a lack of trained physicians. Medical Students for Choice is a grassroots organization working to promote reproductive health curricula in medical schools that includes family planning and abortion, thereby helping to ensure a new generation of physicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide these services. The organization now has chapters at three-fourths of the medical schools in the United States and is active in fourteen countries. This grant would provide support for the organization’s continuing efforts to ensure that women seeking abortions will be able to find a trained physician.

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