Stanford University

For The Managing Global Insecurity Project

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24 Months
  • Type of Support
The Managing Global Insecurity (MGI) project aims to develop and promote an integrated national strategy for the United States that will help it gain the international cooperation it needs to be secure and prosperous in the twenty-first century. MGI’s core strategy is to build an international order that rests on "responsible sovereignty"—that is, an interdependent world of effective states that recognize sovereignty as protecting the dignity and well-being of their own citizens and also protecting other countries’ citizens by jointly combating transnational threats. We supported two earlier phases of MGI, covering research and consultations in preparation for the publication of a book, Power and Responsibility, and a related Plan for Action, as well as a substantial domestic outreach effort. In this next phase, MGI will focus on three strands of activity: (1) developing new definitions of "responsible sovereignty" in theoretical and political terms; (2) investigating strategic thinking on international cooperation among emerging powers; and (3) improving or devising cooperative responses to specific transnational challenges.
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366 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA, 94305, United States
Grants to this Grantee
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for the Internet Observatory at the Cyber Policy Center  
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