Brian A. Jackson/Shutterstock

Effective Philanthropy

The Effective Philanthropy Program seeks to strengthen the capacity of Hewlett Foundation grantees and philanthropy in general, to achieve their goals and benefit the common good.


Ideas + Practice

Effective Philanthropy

Listen for Good builds a capacity within our grantee organizations that is essential for transformational impact. We are thrilled that four of our partners will be participating ... and using a tool that gives them actionable data from the clients they serve.

Elena Marks, President and CEO of the Episcopal Health Foundation in Houston, Texas

Our Team

Jehan Velji 
Amy Arbreton 
Evaluation Officer
Kathleen Badejo
Kathleen Badejo 
Program Associate
Neha Singh Gohil
Neha Singh Gohil 
Communications Officer
José Larios 
Program Fellow
Melissa Lee
Melissa Lee 
Andrea Low 
Executive Assistant
Leeanne Oue 
Grants Officer
Jennifer Wei 
Organizational Effectiveness Officer

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