Early lessons from the Global Reproductive Equity strategy: A group of independent consultants recently completed a learning review of the foundation’s strategy to advance Global Reproductive Equity (GRE), one of the key goals of the Gender Equity and Governance program. This is the first review conducted since the GRE strategy was refreshed in September 2021. Their report examines progress in the strategy and conditions necessary for Hewlett and our grantee partners to move towards goals in the years ahead.

To develop the report, the consultants conducted a literature review and made their own direct observations, along with interviewing grantee partners and other actors in the reproductive health, rights, and justice field. They will continue to work with the GRE team throughout the five-year period of the current strategy implementation, with two additional learning review reports planned along the way. The foundation’s GRE team is now reflecting on and discussing these initial findings both internally and with partners, including peer funders. This shared, iterative learning process is intended to fuel new ideas and insights as to how we can, collectively, achieve equitable and comprehensive reproductive health in East and West Africa.