World Federation of United Nations Associations

For A Fiscal Sponsor Search For The Transparency, Accountability, And Participation Network

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for a coalition promoting accountable governance in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda  
The World Federation of United Nations Associations plans to host the Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator staff positions for a coalition of civil society organizations advocating for good governance principles to be adopted across the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals as well as in the implementation and monitoring of the new goals. These staff would develop policy papers, broker joint position statements, draft speaking points, and facilitate information sharing among coalition members.
for the Transparency, Accountability, and Participation Network to engage in the 2030 Agenda  
The World Federation of United Nations Associations hosts the Transparency, Accountability, and Participation Network, a global coalition of civil society organizations promoting the open, inclusive, and accountable implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Over the next year, the Network will advocate for a robust and participatory monitoring framework for realizing the goals, focusing especially on the development of indicators for effective governance as envisioned in Goal 16.

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