Women for Afghan Women Inc
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded1/23/2017
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
Women for Afghan Women (WAW) was founded in New York in April 2001 by a group of women determined to advocate for Afghan women then living under brutal Taliban rule. WAW provides lifesaving programs and services for women and children who have endured human rights violations and been barred access to education, employment, and basic needs. Our support, along with joint support from the Carnegie Corporation, the Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation, will allow WAW to continue and further their important work in the United States and to meet growing needs in Afghanistan.
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Women for Afghan Women (WAW) was founded in New York in April 2001 by a group of women determined to advocate for Afghan women then living under brutal Taliban rule. WAW provides lifesaving programs and services for women and children who have endured human rights violations and been barred access to education, employment, and basic needs. Our support, along with joint support from the Carnegie Corporation, the Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation, will allow WAW to continue and further their important work in the United States and to meet growing needs in Afghanistan.