Western Governors Foundation

For The Clean And Diversified Energy Initiative

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12 Months
  • Type of Support
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1600 Broadway Suite 1700, Denver, CO, 80202, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Workshop  
The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to the Western Governors Association to host an Industrial Efficiency workshop in Boise, Idaho, hosted by the current WGA Chair, Idaho Governor Butch Otter. Industrial efficiency is a high priority for the Governor, and he has worked on these issues in partnership with the Idaho National Labs. Along with WGA, Hewlett grantee the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) will help manage and coordinate the technical issues associated with the meeting. Follow-up activities include an Industrial Energy Plenary session at WGA's annual June meeting and a draft set of policy principles and best practices to help guide western activities in this area.
for using state wildlife data to improve Department of the Interior land planning  
Managing Western public lands has become increasingly complex, often intertwining federal and state agencies in efforts to craft decisions that balance energy development and the need to protect ecologically important areas. The Western Governors’ Foundation has led an effort to create a uniform wildlife database for Western states to better inform West-wide land management processes. This grant would continue support of the Foundation’s work. Specifically, the Foundation would choose three federal land management decisions in three Western states as case studies on how the new wildlife database could ensure better land management decisions. The results of the work will be disseminated to other Western states as models for future state-federal decisionmaking. Reported Grants

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