For A Deeper Learning Curriculum And Teacher Professional Development Market Scan
Date Awarded11/24/2010
Term6.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
We propose this supplemental grant for WestEd to conduct a review of online teacher professional development (PD) practices, programs and technologies aligned with Deeper Learning goals.. The information gained through this analysis will make it clear what online teacher PD programs and technologies are readily available to support Deeper Learning. As Hewlett moves forward with the promotion of Deeper Learning, this analysis will make clear where key leverage points exist and where development and technical support activities can do the most good.This analysis will take place over a six-month period and conclude with a set of recommendations on possible strategies for promoting Deeper Learning through online professional development programs at scale. This grant is a supplement to a current WestEd project to scan curricula and traditional PD programs and will help extend the evaluation to include online PD programs and technologies.
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