Voter Choice Education Fund

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
Massachusetts remains one of the least competitive electoral environments in the US, and since the Maine statewide victory in November 2016ranked choice voting is seen as a key way to encourage greater competitiveness.Voter Choice Education Fund (VCEF) is a non-partisan, politically diverse, non-profit dedicated to increasing public visibility for electoral reforms that increase the range of choice on the ballot and produce fairer outcomes. VCEF educates the Massachusetts public about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), with a goal of making Massachusetts elections more competitive and fair by encouraging the participation of more candidates and parties, and by ensuring outcomes that more accurately reflect the will of the voters. This grant will support an education campaign to inform key stakeholders and the general public about RCV.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Massachusetts remains one of the least competitive electoral environments in the US, and since the Maine statewide victory in November 2016ranked choice voting is seen as a key way to encourage greater competitiveness.Voter Choice Education Fund (VCEF) is a non-partisan, politically diverse, non-profit dedicated to increasing public visibility for electoral reforms that increase the range of choice on the ballot and produce fairer outcomes. VCEF educates the Massachusetts public about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), with a goal of making Massachusetts elections more competitive and fair by encouraging the participation of more candidates and parties, and by ensuring outcomes that more accurately reflect the will of the voters. This grant will support an education campaign to inform key stakeholders and the general public about RCV.

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