Vibrant Clean Energy, LLC
For Project To Compute And Publish Results On Baseload Renewable Generation For The U.S.
Date Awarded11/14/2019
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Vibrant Clean Energy will produce a report to analyze and optimize wind, solar PV, and storage in combination that will deliver a baseload generation profile for every county across the U.S. This analysis will allow grid operators, policymakers, regulators, and advocates to plan for extremely low carbon electricity grids. Vibrant will write and publish a peer-reviewed academic paper on the modeling and results for wide dispersal among academic, industrial, and government experts. The results will also be publicly available on their website.
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for project to compute and publish results on baseload renewable generation for the U.S.
Vibrant Clean Energy will produce a report to analyze and optimize wind, solar PV, and storage in combination that will deliver a baseload generation profile for every county across the U.S. This analysis will allow grid operators, policymakers, regulators, and advocates to plan for extremely low carbon electricity grids. Vibrant will write and publish a peer-reviewed academic paper on the modeling and results for wide dispersal among academic, industrial, and government experts. The results will also be publicly available on their website.