Urban Institute

For Assessing The Socioeconomic Impact Of The Access To Contraception

This grant will support the Urban Institute to expand the research agenda on the role of access to contraceptives in socioeconomic outcomes of women and their families. Through a research project looking at the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, the Urban Institute will gather new and timely information that can improve understanding of the effects of expanded access to contraception, expand stakeholder awareness of issues to address in their efforts to improve women’s access to contraceptives, and support policymakers and program administrators as they make decisions that affect access to reproductive health services.
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for elevating voices of Southern CSOs in the localization discourse  
The Urban Institute is a research nonprofit focused on elevating the debate on social and economic issues and policies. This grant supports Urban to convene three events to consider how local partners and grantees think about the process of localization, whereby funding is increased and agenda setting authority is shifted from international actors to local actors, and what they hear when outsiders discuss them. This grant seeks to explore whether the framing by outsiders supports and strengthens such agency as local partners may have or want or whether well-intended localization efforts can be usefully rethought. This grant will not resolve the complexity surrounding localization, but it will (a) engage grantee counterparts in explaining their own diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) efforts in their local contexts and how support from their various funding sources aligns with, enhances, or distracts from their ambitions and (b) strengthen the Urban Institute’s work to support clearer thinking about how to balance and integrate sometimes competing objectives of inclusion, equity, and justice with more traditional metrics of development.

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