University of Ghana
For Support Of The Regional Institute For Population Studies Program
Date Awarded7/14/2015
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Regional Institute for Population Studies at the University of Ghana is a center of excellence for interdisciplinary research and training in population sciences in Africa. Support for the Institute’s program will enable it to invest in the development of its junior faculty through seed funding for collaboration with scholars at the Population Research Institute at Pennsylvania State University (also a Hewlett grantee). This grant will provide stipends for current doctoral students and funding for a graduate student seminar including pedagogy, methodology, advanced statistical approaches, and research topics. The Institute will also provide a "re-entry" grant for a graduating doctoral student to return to Nigeria with funds to begin research.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of promoting effective policies for Women's Economic Empowerment in Ghana
The Promoting Effective Policies for Women's Economic Empowerment in Ghana (WEE-Ghana) project seeks to advance gender-responsive policymaking and achieve a critical mass of economically empowered women in Ghana. To achieve this goal, the project’s co-leads, feminist and economic justice scholars at the University of Ghana, will partner with policymakers and women's rights organizations across the country to strengthen collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and WEE advocates. At the regional level, the WEE-Ghana project will contribute to similar initiatives in the African gender and macroeconomic policy ecosystem. (Strategy: Women's Economic Empowerment)
for the Regional Institute for Population Studies program
The Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS) at the University of Ghana is a rising center of excellence for interdisciplinary research and training in population sciences in Africa. Recommended core support for the RIPS program would enable the Institute to invest deeply in areas with high potential for growth. RIPS will broaden seed investments to expand its funded research portfolio, including its nascent population and health research site. The Institute also plans an expansion of its international programs, taking on doctoral candidates from other regions of the continent, and leveraging its alumni network to build an international portfolio of research.