United Nations Foundation

For Continuation Of Data2X

Data2X, an alliance housed at the U.N. Foundation, seeks to eliminate gender bias from the major data sources that are used to inform decisions in government, the private sector, and civil society. Data2X uses a collaborative, partnership-based model to promote gender data production and use by promoting the importance of gender data to key decision makers. Data2X also works with standard-setting global agencies to influence methodological standards and correct for bias. Goals for this grant period are to lay the groundwork for larger-scale change in key gender data production areas (women’s economic participation, financial inclusion, and big data), deepen understanding of the current state of gender data and actions that need to be taken, mobilize new actors or channels for funding, and improve Data2X’s capacity to tell the gender data story and mobilize new investments in gender data.
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Grants to this Grantee
for strengthening and enhancing climate diplomacy  
The United Nations Foundation is a charitable organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C., that supports the United Nations and its activities. This grant will enable the foundation to support the U.N. in addressing climate change and delivering its ambitious climate agenda, building bridges between the United States — at the federal and state levels — and the U.N. around key international diplomatic events. Through strategic convenings and coordination across different constituencies, the foundation will encourage climate ambition from countries, support the U.N.’s activities to responsibly develop critical minerals, and bolster U.N. efforts to enhance early warnings for climate-related disasters. (Substrategy: Multilateral)
for the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data  
The United Nations Foundation serves as the institutional host of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, which brings together government, private-sector, civil society, and international institutions to harness new and traditional sources of data to better understand and address development challenges. This grant supplements our ongoing core support for the implementation of the partnership’s strategic plan, which seeks to solve three major problems: (a) how to harness up-to-date data to ensure decisions are informed by current and changing contexts; (b) how to safely include and represent all people in data and the data value chain; and (c) how to govern data fairly and safely. It will also support the partnership’s expansion into related, but newer areas — including artificial intelligence, a more comprehensive approach to capacity building, and a deepening of the country partnership model through its Power of Data initiative. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)
for the U.S. Climate Alliance  
The U.S. Climate Alliance, a project of the U.N. Foundation, works with a network of 24 states to secure America’s net-zero future by advancing state-led, high-impact climate action. The alliance helps states design bold climate solutions and deliver on the promise of historic federal investments. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)

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