United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

For Support Of The 2014 "Progress Of The World's Women" Report

The flagship biennial report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is Progress of the World’s Women, which is designed to influence positive change in economic, labor market, and social policies and strategies. This recommended grant would support the 2014 report to build the evidence base on women’s economic empowerment, including the care economy. UN Women will disseminate this report widely through multiple media channels, encourage debate among stakeholders, and monitor the report’s uses and influence on global and national policies.
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for support of the 2014 "Progress of the World's Women" report  
The flagship biennial report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is Progress of the World’s Women, which is designed to influence positive change in economic, labor market, and social policies and strategies. This recommended grant would support the 2014 report to build the evidence base on women’s economic empowerment, including the care economy. UN Women will disseminate this report widely through multiple media channels, encourage debate among stakeholders, and monitor the report’s uses and influence on global and national policies.
for support of the 2018 "Progress of the World's Women" report  
This grant to UN Women will support the research, production, and outreach of their flagship report, "Progress of the World’s Women 2018–2019." The report will focus on the topic of "families in a changing world."

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