Union of Concerned Scientists

For Accelerating Emissions Reductions Through Transportation Innovation

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is one of the leading organizations on promoting vehicle efficiency and new technologies in the United States. The proposed grant aims at accelerating transportation emissions reductions and their impacts on human health through innovation. In the next two years there is a critical window for moving toward wider-spread adoption of clean vehicles nationwide, and setting the foundation for transformative change in the freight transportation sector. UCS will prioritize the support to the eight states who signed the Memorandum of Understanding, with California to achieve 3.3 million of electric cars by 2025, which would reduce emissions by 60 million tons by 2030.
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for the Clean Transportation program  
The Union of Concerned Scientists, a national nonprofit organization, uses rigorous, independent science to solve our planet’s most pressing problems. The union works to advance equitable and sustainable transportation electrification of both passenger and heavy-duty vehicles; improve access to low- and zero-carbon mobility options beyond electric vehicles; and promote guardrails in policies to decarbonize transportation fuels, while planning for petroleum phaseout. (Substrategy: Electrification)

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