For International OER Capacity Building And Policy Support
Date Awarded7/31/2017
Term36.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an intergovernmental organization with an internationally recognized mandate for education, was in the vanguard of the OER movement, helping to name and promote it. This grant will enable UNESCO to continue informing national and institutional policymakers about OER’s importance in accelerating high-quality education and also to help embed OER within teacher training systems. Through these activities, UNESCO will use its influence and convening power to urge countries to mainstream OER into their national policy and practice.
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Grants to this Grantee
for implementation of the Recommendation on OER
UNESCO is a U.N. agency founded in 1945 with the mandate to promote peace, sustainable development, and intercultural dialogue through cooperation in education, natural sciences, culture, communication, and information. The adoption of the UNESCO 2019 Recommendation on OER reflects strong support by UNESCO’s member states to mainstream OER in national education systems. This grant supports the implementation of the 2019 Recommendation on OER through international and regional multistakeholder cooperation, including meeting the challenges and opportunities posed by emerging technologies and AI as part of a dynamic technological ecosystem. (Substrategy: Field Building)
for implementation of the OER Recommendation
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations with the mandate to build lasting peace, enable sustainable development, and promote intercultural dialogue through intergovernmental cooperation on education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication, and information. The adoption of the UNESCO OER Recommendation reflects strong support by UNESCO’s 193 member states to mainstream OER in national education systems. This grant supports implementation of the OER Recommendation through international and regional multistakeholder cooperation.
for the Global Education Monitoring Report
UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report has served as an independent platform to track progress against the Education for All framework. Going forward, the GEM Report is also expected to serve as an independent monitor of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal on equitable learning. This grant will support production and dissemination of GEM’s annual report tracking progress and gaps at the country and global level against agreed indicators. The GEM Report will serve as a credible and independent source of evidence for governments, donors, civil society, grassroots citizen groups, and the media.