Uganda Radio Network
For A Media Program To Increase Accountability In The Health And Education Sectors In Uganda
Date Awarded6/7/2018
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Uganda Radio Network is an independent news agency that provides content to media outlets in Uganda. The network curates news stories and features for over 100 subscribing radio stations and print media, reaching nearly 80 percent of Uganda’s population. With this grant, the network will partner with two civil society organizations, Reproductive Health Uganda and Uwezo, to produce and disseminate to 50 media houses information on reproductive health and rights, and primary education achievement. The network will also build the capacity of media practitioners to mainstream reproductive health and education information in their programming.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for a media program to increase accountability in the health and education sectors in Uganda
Uganda Radio Network is an independent, public interest news agency in Uganda. The network curates news stories and features for over 100 subscribing radio and print media houses, reaching nearly 80% of Uganda’s population. With this grant, the network will provide information and training to media partners to increase their reporting on reproductive health and environmental issues throughout Uganda. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for a media program to increase accountability in the health and education sectors in Uganda
Uganda Radio Network is an independent, public interest news agency in Uganda. The network curates news stories and features for over 100 subscribing radio and print media houses, reaching nearly 80 percent of Uganda’s population. With this grant, the network will partner with two civil society organizations, Reproductive Health Uganda and Uwezo, to generate information on the state of Uganda’s reproductive health and rights and primary education achievement for programming in selected local radio stations in underserved communities. The network will also work with local radio stations to raise awareness on deforestation and wetlands reclamation and build the capacity of media practitioners to mainstream reproductive health, education, and climate change information in their programs.
for radio PSAs and other rapid media response to Ebola outbreak in western Uganda
The Uganda Radio Network (URN) produces content and programming for local radio stations in Uganda, reaching over 80 percent of the population. Radio is the social media for a majority of Ugandans, especially those in remote locations of the country. URN creates content and programming for these radio stations, including creating opportunities for ordinary Ugandans to hear from and engage their local and national leaders as well as service providers in conversations about service delivery challenges. This grant will enable URN to mount a public information and awareness campaign on radio stations about the Ebola virus in boundary districts. URN will draw from previous campaigns in Uganda to reinforce awareness of the dangers of the Ebola virus; encourage well established sanitation and social practices that curtail the spread of the disease; and advance the use of religious, cultural, and local administration leaders to reinvigorate surveillance mechanisms.